02.–05.02.2025 #prosweetscologne

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2,300 wrapped hard candies per minute – EK4 packaging machine | Exhibitor on the ProSweets Cologne 2024

2,300 wrapped hard candies per minute – EK4 packaging machine

Unequalled performance: The EK4 still the absolute leader for packaging of hard candies in double twist wrapping style. When it was introduced, the EK4 set a benchmark, which is still unequalled today: it packages up to 2,300 hard candies per minute in double twist wrapping style. The machine combines all the features that stand for high availability and top performance. And thanks to the simple operating procedure and the fully automatic working mode, one person can operate several machines.

Capable of processing up to 2,300 products per minute, it can package hard candy in a double-twist wrap of recyclable, wax-free paper. Despite these high packaging speeds, the EK4 still processes the paper reliably and keeps pace with the processing speeds for conventional foil wraps.

More information EK4: https://www.theegarten-pactec.de/en/packaging_machines/ek4/
Breitscheidstr. 46
01237 Dresden
Hall 10.1 | G020 H029
Theegarten-Pactec specializes in the design and construction of packaging machines for small pieced confectionery items. The company combines more than 20 different types of packaging with a broad performance spectrum. The following products can be packed or wrapped: hard candies, jelly products, toffees, chewy sweets, chewing gums, chocolate products, and various other food and non-food products.