02.–05.02.2025 #prosweetscologne

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Advanced Technology to Process Soft Chews, toffee…: A Proform MI Intruder is 1 machine 4 functions | Exhibitor on the ProSweets Cologne 2024

Advanced Technology to Process Soft Chews, toffee…: A Proform MI Intruder is 1 machine 4 functions

A Proform MI Intruder, installed directly after the cooker, can cool, grain or crystalize, add in ingredients and extrude several ropes, to feed down-stream forming lines. 

An Intruder has no specific requirement to start or to re-start production. As soon as the soft candy or toffee mass enters the machine the process starts. There is an offset time of +/- 2 minutes between the infeed and discharge to deliver the requested product mass.

No cleaning is required with the Intruder for shutdown and restart when running the same product, even after several days downtime or more.

Ball forming, cut & wrap or die forming lines are some of the downstream forming equipment that can be fed by the Intruder processing line upstream. Right after forming, the finished products go directly to our client’s wrapping machines or to flow packers, as required by the process.

For a changeover online, a pre-programmed procedure minimises product loss and can ensure a changeover from dark to light coloured product within less than 3 minutes.

One machine, our Intruder, replaces traditional production equipment: a cooling drum or cooling belt, as well as a pulling machine or a Z-blade mixer. This machine produces continuously, eliminating intermediate product storage for curing or maturation, traditionally required.
Rue de Holtzheim
Hall 10.1 | C042 D043