01.–04.02.2026 #prosweetscologne

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ProSweets Cologne 2025

Early build up period

The regular build up of ProSweets Cologne begins on Thursday, 30 January 2025 at 08:00 am.
An early build up is possible on Tuesday, 28.01.2025 and Wednesday, 29.01.2025 from 06:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. for a fee.


The costs for the early build up are amounting to EUR 1,500.00 (plus VAT) per day and per exhibitor. The usage fee is charged at a flat rate for the entire period from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., even if the period is not fully used.

The invoice for the early build up will be charged exclusively to the exhibitor after the trade fair. Invoicing to a third-party company is not possible.

Registration for the early build up period

Please fill out the following form to order the early build up (period):

Fill in the registration form

Important notes

We would like to point out that during the early build up period the freight elevators will only be put into operation on request. For use of the freight elevator in Hall 10, please contact S.E.C, Operations Management South Phone: +49 221-284 9262 , einsatzleitung.sued@sec-security.de .

Only employees of Koelnmesse GmbH or companies commissioned by Koelnmesse GmbH are authorised to operate the lifts. You will have to bear the costs associated with their use.

We would like to point out that the hall will only be heated from the official start of set up on 30 January 2025. Furthermore we would like to draw your attention to the fact that any earlier start of set up on 28 January 2025 and on 29 January 2025 is at your own risk. Koelnmesse GmbH assumes no liability within the context of the legal regulations.

The booking in the eSlot portal is expected to be available as of 10 December 2024.

Further information can be found at www.prosweets.de/eSlot and in the confirmation for early build up.

If you have any questions regarding eSlot, please contact our service team at:

Phone: +49 221 821-2097
E-mail: eSlot@koelnmesse.de

Important contacts

Freight lift in hall 10:
S.E.C, Einsatzleitung Süd
Phone: + 49 221-284 9262
Email: einsatzleitung.sued@sec-security.de

  • Sabine Müller-Brinkmann

    Sabine Müller-Brinkmann Project Assistant

    Tel. +49 221 821-2055

    Write an e-mail

eSlot makes truck trade show transportation more efficient